
This documentation page provides an easy to follow guide to help you leverage the Multitek Streaming Platform (MSP) to integrate live video streaming into your websites and mobile applications. MSP is a lightweight video streaming platform powered by Javascript and java technologies which provides a set of RESTful services that enable you to:

  • Register users from your websites and mobile applications as video broadcasters on MSP.
  • Present a ready made and fully customizable interface for creating, registering and broadcasting live video streams.
  • Present a ready made and fully customizable interface for viewing the live video streams.

  • Multitek Streaming Platform (MSP) User Registration.

    The User Registration API can be called from your HTML/Javascript code or from your server side code to register your users into MSP. Here is an example of a User Registration request:

    REST url:

    where {userEmailAddress} is the email address of a user/broadcaster on your site or application.

    Method: "POST"

    Http Header #1: "ownerToken" where ownerToken is your account private token that can be found on your MSG dashboard. This API returns a JSON object containing all the stream's details including url's.

    Here is an example of a User Delete request:

    REST url:

    where {userEmailAddress} is the email address of a user/broadcaster on your site or application.

    Method: "DELETE"

    Http Header #1: "ownerToken" where ownerToken is your account private token that can be found on your MSG dashboard.

  • You can use the Video Streamer API in your HTML/Javascript code to display the streamer user interface where your users can register and start their video streams. Here is an example of a call to display the video streamer UI, and a typical code snippet used on a website or mobile application:

    REST url:

    where {publicToken} is your account public token that can be found on your MSG dashboard, and {userEmailAddress} is the email address of a user/broadcaster registered with MSP.

    Method: "GET"

    Sample html code snippet:
    <iframe id="streamerId" src=""
        style="background-color: white; max-width:100%;min-width: 100px; min-height: 100px;     height:420px;width:100%;text-align:center;resize: both;border:0px;"
        scrolling="yes" allowfullscreen>

  • You can use the Video Player API in your HTML/Javascript code to display the live video stream to remote individual viewers. Here is an example of a call to display the video player UI, and a typical code snippet used on a website or mobile application:

    REST url:

    where {publicToken} is your account public token that can be found on your MSG dashboard, and {userEmailAddress} is the email address of a user/broadcaster registered with MSP.

    Method: "GET"

    Sample html code snippet:
    <iframe id="playerId" src=""
        style="background-color: black; max-width:100%;min-width: 720px; min-height: 420px;     height:420px;width:100%;text-align:center;resize: both;border:0px;"
        scrolling="yes" allowfullscreen>

  • After registering on the MSG website, you will have access to your dashboard, where you will be able to:

       * View all your account information, including your public and private tokens that are needed for using the REST api.
       * Add new users/broadcasters to MSP.
       * Customize your streamer/player interfaces, and view your changes on the fly.

    You can also purchase additional streaming account, and add them to your dashboard.

  • The MSG dashboard provides a set of three editors to allow you to customize your streamer and player interfaces.

       * The layout editor: This is the editor where you can customize the html content of the streamer or player UI's
       * The CSS editor: This editor is used to customize the look and feel of your streamer and player UI's using
          CSS classes.
       * The Javascript editor:This is for adding dynamic javascript processing to your streamer and player UI's.

    The UI can be customized for each browser type individually (ie: Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc...)